Alle Beiträge von Oleniczak, Annelie

Blauer Meereswellen Hintergrund.
Limits and Opportunities of a Grid-serving, green Hydrogen Economy
Medizinisches Personal, waehrend einer OP im Operationssaal.
CE roadmap for medical devices: What are the requirements for approval and what are the costs?
Darstellung einer grünen Energiebatterie.
Opening the way for battery storage
Learnings from the flood disaster in the Ahr valley: smart grid and digital networks are key factors for the energy transition
Medizinisches Personal, waehrend einer OP im Operationssaal.
CE roadmap for medical devices: What are the requirements for approval and what are the costs?
Every time a medical device is developed, the question comes up at some point which regulatory requirements have to be fulfilled. If the new medical device is to be marketed in Europe, it requires a CE...
Home mit Solarstrom heizen
Energy transition: Germany as an innovation driver and exporter of clean and sustainable energy supply technology
Grid stability, recycling, sustainability: Claus Allert (SMA) explains how storage technologies can contribute to achieving the climate targets by 2045, which bureaucratic hurdles urgently need to be removed...
Learnings from the flood disaster in the Ahr valley: smart grid and digital networks are key factors for the energy transition
The flood in the Ahr valley showed how close the climate catastrophe already is. Storage technologies, component smartification and rapid, stable further development of the networks are important alongside...
Blauer Meereswellen Hintergrund.
Limits and Opportunities of a Grid-serving, green Hydrogen Economy
Climate protection targets, price increases and independence – the demand for Low Carbon Hydrogen is increasing in light of current and future challenges. Yet the necessary foundations and economic concepts...
Darstellung einer grünen Energiebatterie.
Opening the way for battery storage
It is already clear that battery storage systems will play a significant role in our future energy system. One main advantage is that battery storage systems enable rapid charging and discharging processes...
Smart Grid für erneuerbare Energie. Darstellung mit Windrädern und PV-Anlage bei Sonnenuntergang.
The challenge of energy transition: what is the role of storage units in the future energy system?
Quo vadis Germany: What is the current energy storage situation in Germany and what can we learn from other countries? Dr.-Ing. Michael Schwan (Siemens PTI), expert for energy systems and storage, talking...
H2 – Wasserstoff – Innovation und Energie
The colourful world of hydrogen
One thing is for sure: hydrogen (H2) is gaining increasing importance in Germany’s sustainable energy supply. The contribution H2 can make to reduce greenhouse gas emissions depends primarily on its production...
EN Hydrogen renewable energy production - hydrogen gas for clean electricity solar and windturbine facility. 3d rendering
The Future Energy System will be based on Electricity and Hydrogen
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Zdrallek, an expert for energy supply technology, on the German way of energy transition, the role of green hydrogen in the future energy system and which actions speak louder...